неділя, 12 квітня 2020 р.


My House/Flat
My name is ____________. My family and I live in Vinnytsia. We live in a house. /We have a flat on the second floor. It is rather big. There are ………. rooms, a hall, a bathroom, a kitchen and a toilet in it. Also it has a balcony and all modern conveniences: gas, electricity, central heating, running cold and warm water.
Our hall is not very large but rather cosy. There is a stand for hats and coats and a mirror on the wall.
The living room is the biggest room in our house/flat. There are two big windows in it. There is a round/square table in the middle of the room. There are four chairs around the table. We have a nice big carpet on the floor. There is a bookcase, two armchairs and a sofa in the room.
Our bedroom is not very big but it is very nice. There is not much furniture in it. There is a bed, a bedside table, a mirror, a wardrobe and a rug. Opposite the bed there is a beautiful dressing-table for my mom.
Also I have my own room. You can see a bed, a wardrobe, a TV-set, bookshelves, a rug and a desk with a chair. My room is very comfortable.
In the kitchen there is a table, some chairs, a cupboard and a sink. There is a huge fridge and a cooker in it. We always have meals there.
After all, a man's home is his castle. We like our house/ flat very much.

rather ['rɑːθə]  швидше, переважно
hall [hɔːl] приймальня, передпокій, вестибюль
all modern ['mɒd(ə)n ], ['mɔːdn] conveniences [kən'viːnɪənsiz] усі    сучасні умови, зручності
electricity [ɪˌlek'trɪsɪtɪ] електрика
central heating – центральне опалення
cosy ['kəuzɪ] затишний
a stand – вішалка для одягу
a mirror ['mɪrə] дзеркало
a living-room – вітальня
round [raund] круглий
square [skwɛə] квадратний
a carpet ['kɑːpɪt]  килим
a bookcase ['bʊkkeɪs] книжкова шафа
an armchair ['ɑːmʧɛə] крісло (з підлокітником)
a sofa ['səufə] диван
furniture ['fɜːnɪʧə] меблі
a bedside table – нічний столик (біля ліжка)
a rug [rʌg]  килимок
opposite ['ɒpəzɪt]  навпроти
a dressing table ['dresɪŋˌteɪbl] туалетний столик
own [əun] свій, власний
a wardrobe ['wɔːdrəub] шафа
а cupboard ['kʌbəd] буфет, сервант, шафа для посуду
a sink [sɪŋk] раковина (для стікання води)
huge [hjuːʤ] величезний, велетенський
a fridgeхолодильник
a cooker ['kʊkə] плита
comfortable ['kʌmfət(ə)bl] зручний; комфортабельний; затишний
meals – трапези їжі такі як breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper
After all, a man's home is his castle. В кінці кінців, мій дім – моя фортеця.
1.    Do you live in a house or in a flat?
2.    Is your house / flat big?
3.    What floor (поверх) do you live on?
4.    What is the biggest room in your house/flat?
5.    What is the smallest room in your house/flat?
6.    Do you have your own room? Describe it!
7.    Is your room cosy? Why?
8.    Is there a big TV-set in the living-room?
9.    What do you like in your room most of all? (більш за все)
10. What is your mom's favourite room? Why?
11. What does your family/mom usually do in the kitchen?
12. What do you usually do in the living-room?
13. Where do you usually have breakfast?
14.  Did you have breakfast in your kitchen yesterday?
15.  Were you at home yesterday?
16.  Do you like your house/flat? Why?

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